Monday, December 22, 2014


January 01, 2012

2012: Year of the Bird

1. trust God to provide one day at a time
2. spread your wings
3. find a good, big tree
4. sing the song that's in your heart
5. get up early and look for worms
6. shake your tail feathers
7. go south then come home
8. flock with birds of your feather
9. keep perspective, look at things from a bird's-eye view
10. take baths
11. let go and be full of Peace

Faith is the bird that feels the light and sings when the dawn is still dark.



January 01, 2011

2011: Year of Fire

1. sometimes you have to burn things to make way for new growth
2. warm the hands of others
3. know what you'd grab if your house was on fire
4. dance like flames
5. a slow burn can spread into wildfire, and a wildfire can calm to a slow burn
6. give off light
7. this is gonna hurt
8. cook, nourish your body and soul
9. be mesmerized, watch the sparks fly
10. some days you will need to stop, drop and roll with it
11. smoke can be seen before the flame
12. burn hottest at the center
13. call for help
14. make s'mores!
15. be brave, run into fire when there is something worth saving
16. it's okay to flicker
17. drink more water
18. sit around with people you love
19. without an explosion, the shuttle couldn't get to the moon
20. Ignite! Feel the burn! Be on fire!

"And I will bring the third part through the fire, refine them as silver is refined, and test them as gold is tested. They will call on My name, and I will answer them"  Zechariah 13:9



 January 01, 2010

2010: Year of the Jump

1. Jump for joy
2. Jump in with both feet
3. There's always more after the Jump
4. If you don't like where you land, Bounce 
5. Rely on your safety net
6. Hold hands and skip
7. Expect the bungee effect now and then
8. Careful not to jump around too much
9. Hold the rope sometimes so others can jump
10. Become good at jumping hurdles
11. Higher! Higher!

Life is like a trampoline, you gotta jump on it.

January 02, 2009

2009: Year of the Pancake

I present you with my Flapjack Resolutions:

1. Pour on the sweetness.
2. Fill up on blueberries.
3. Get ready early.
4. Be Golden.
5. Share your stack.
6. Have patience, wait for the bubbles before you flip.
7. Eat in moderation.
8. Make people smile.
9. Don't throw out the ones that aren't round.
10. Put away laundry (sorry wrong list) 
11. Be fluffy on the inside.
12. Always be available.
13. Have some coffee with that.
14. Try new things, but keep the same basic ingredients.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Saturday, August 11, 2012

I used to think trying to love was the hardest thing. Now I know, trying not to love is harder.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

It's something about life being hearthbreakingly beautiful
being open to all the pain and heartbreak of others
being painfully aware of the sadness we all carry as humans, and being happy anyway
risking disappointment just by thinking about something big
witnessing a sunrise and knowing we can't fully appreciate the awesomeness

its knowing grace
its knowing mercy

The weight of Love. The heft of Hope. The hardness of Pride. The burden of Faith. The cold of loneliness. The warmth from the light of Truth. Share.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Dream: The Great Christmas Caper

it's a holiday party at my home and there will be music and twinkle lights, pictures with Santa and caroling and the real Christmas Story

and a hot chocolate bar

maybe snow

Caper (noun)
1. a playful leap or skip
2. harebrained escapade
3. a frivolous, carefree episode

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Dream: Travel

I travel.

Near and far. Out of my neighborhood, out of my city, out of myself.

To wonder.
To wander.

And appreciate coming home.

Monday, October 3, 2011

I am braver than this.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

It's cooler, but everything is on fire. The trains seem louder and more frequent now, but they still don't keep me up at night.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

finding the line between going deeper and forcing change.

Sometimes it means pushing past what you think is the breaking point to find yourself at place you can be longer because there's balance. It takes courage and trust in yourself to push the limit, but once you lean into it just a little bit more, you find it's less work to hang out on the other side of the breaking point.

Sometimes it means coming up against a wall and knowing that, in time, we will find our way over, around or through it - but we must breathe and be patient and be there.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

stay the course

but be open in heart.

remember how many times you've been here before

but guard against bitterness.

Father give me a new husband.
shape and mold and prepare his heart for a life with me.
work out his circumstances, his days and moments so that we intersect.
shape and mold and prepare my heart for a life with him.
work out my circumstances, my days and moments so that we intersect.

may we intersect at You.

Not my will, Lord, but thine.

Monday, October 25, 2010

sometimes defeat is the only way.

Sunday, September 26, 2010


Where will all of these things intersect?

Will they intersect?

Which will become and which will only be part of the becoming?

But they are all part of the becoming. My own buffalo roam.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Dream: Adoption

I adopt(.)

children and dogs

and there is space for them

space in my home
space in my heart
space in my day
space in my tribe

Friday, September 24, 2010

Dream: Write

I write to share. I write to amuse and entertain. I write to spark and educate. I write to encourage.

I write about something like how to make your house your home.  Simple and sustainable, creative and lovely, warm and welcoming, inspiring and safe.

I write about being consciously creative in life. About thinking outside the box. Building and creating what you need, rather than buying it.  Be it a garden for a few vegetables, or a box for your camping supplies. Build don't buy.

I write about God and His love. Faith. Miracles. My walk with Him, the journey, the learning. The suffering and the limitless blessings. Grace. Mercy.

I write about motherhood. The transformative deep well that surely will spring up in the mothering.

I write about dreams and courage.

I write the true stories of my life.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Dream: Super Epic Buffalo Roam

It's a party.

We invite everyone we know - friends, family, co-workers, and their families.

It's outside, under tents, with great music of all sorts.

Donations all go to a charity.

There are nametags, but instead of saying Hello My Name is:   they say things like
my hidden talent is:
my favorite movie is:
I can impersonate:
the last book I read is:
my dream job is:
I would karaoke to:
my super power would be:

There are cups that say Super Epic Buffalo Roam 20__.

Maybe a trampoline.

Everyone comes together and meets and shares and makes connections - business, friendships, favors, love.

There is nothing to it except having fun and dancing. It is not fancy or overdone.

It's pure community. Good flow. Positive energy. Fun.


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Inspired by:

Kelly Rae - possibilitarian

Superhero - dreamer

Bernadette - writer

Alicia - crafter

Hula Seventy - photographer

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Manifesto of sorts

I believe humans have an innate need to be creative - God is The Creator and we are made in His image.

I don't believe the human need to be creative is all about "art" or ethereal expression - it's just about engaging our brains.

I believe that in today's world, we lack opportunities to be "creative" because we have machines, computers, factories and stores to do and provide so many things for us. We don't have to problem solve or find alternatives, research, learn by trial and error, or build and create things.  How often do we get to use our imagination?

I believe if we live life without tapping this part of our mind, we constantly feel unfulfilled, even sad. We lose our human spark. We become bored and boring.  We become dull.

Monday, September 20, 2010

into the great wide open

This idea, it's been roaming around in my head for a while.  I'm not even certain what it is.  But it is Buffalo Roam.

I'm starting here, in this space as the first step in believing it will go somewhere. The Mondo Beyondo kind of believing.  Because writing it down is what does it for me.


This leg of the journey towards the life that is lingering out there in my dreams and ideas.

If I put it out there, it's at least that much more real.  Once I'm not holding it captive in my head anymore, it has the chance to go somewhere.

It's something about creativity.
And things about living simply.
Wanting to connect people and their gifts. 
Living consciously and creatively.
Feeding the mind, body and soul with good things.
Inspiration. Inspiring. Inspired.
Not being afraid. Having courage.
Having FUN and loving fully.
Experiencing life.

I want to look back someday and say, oh yes, that's how I got here.  See, what happens when you believe your dreams. Don't ever forget that.