Monday, December 22, 2014


January 01, 2012

2012: Year of the Bird

1. trust God to provide one day at a time
2. spread your wings
3. find a good, big tree
4. sing the song that's in your heart
5. get up early and look for worms
6. shake your tail feathers
7. go south then come home
8. flock with birds of your feather
9. keep perspective, look at things from a bird's-eye view
10. take baths
11. let go and be full of Peace

Faith is the bird that feels the light and sings when the dawn is still dark.



January 01, 2011

2011: Year of Fire

1. sometimes you have to burn things to make way for new growth
2. warm the hands of others
3. know what you'd grab if your house was on fire
4. dance like flames
5. a slow burn can spread into wildfire, and a wildfire can calm to a slow burn
6. give off light
7. this is gonna hurt
8. cook, nourish your body and soul
9. be mesmerized, watch the sparks fly
10. some days you will need to stop, drop and roll with it
11. smoke can be seen before the flame
12. burn hottest at the center
13. call for help
14. make s'mores!
15. be brave, run into fire when there is something worth saving
16. it's okay to flicker
17. drink more water
18. sit around with people you love
19. without an explosion, the shuttle couldn't get to the moon
20. Ignite! Feel the burn! Be on fire!

"And I will bring the third part through the fire, refine them as silver is refined, and test them as gold is tested. They will call on My name, and I will answer them"  Zechariah 13:9



 January 01, 2010

2010: Year of the Jump

1. Jump for joy
2. Jump in with both feet
3. There's always more after the Jump
4. If you don't like where you land, Bounce 
5. Rely on your safety net
6. Hold hands and skip
7. Expect the bungee effect now and then
8. Careful not to jump around too much
9. Hold the rope sometimes so others can jump
10. Become good at jumping hurdles
11. Higher! Higher!

Life is like a trampoline, you gotta jump on it.

January 02, 2009

2009: Year of the Pancake

I present you with my Flapjack Resolutions:

1. Pour on the sweetness.
2. Fill up on blueberries.
3. Get ready early.
4. Be Golden.
5. Share your stack.
6. Have patience, wait for the bubbles before you flip.
7. Eat in moderation.
8. Make people smile.
9. Don't throw out the ones that aren't round.
10. Put away laundry (sorry wrong list) 
11. Be fluffy on the inside.
12. Always be available.
13. Have some coffee with that.
14. Try new things, but keep the same basic ingredients.